
Medical Concierge

is your solution in fighting against a precarious medical system!

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What do we do?

We bring to Romania an innovative concept of medical advice in line with the highest international standards. It requires access to top medicine through complex services that provide an easy medical route, precisely tailored to the patient’s needs.


We are the first medical concierge company of such complexity, offering integrated medical solutions, while anticipating customer needs through a customized approach and step-by-step assistance.


We identify the best solutions for a wide range of medical situations, ranging from prevention to emergency medicine. All this is covered by an enhanced patient management system that, including the related services, streamlines the medical route and successfully eliminates complications.

BESMAX MC is NEVER a fan of compromise limited outdated fooled inaccesible in the centre left behind

BESMAX MC is ALWAYS convincing creative avant-guard informed available focused on you first

Why Medical Concierge?

Beyond any motivation, Besmax Medical Concierge has started from its own experiences, mostly negative unfortunately, when it comes to the medical system. Whether it was ourselves, our family, our friends or simply out of pure empathy for the suffering of others, we have decided to use our professional expertise in order to identify the best medical solutions and to make them available to those who need them.


Our team has been performing in the medical field for more than 10 years, which adds value to the proposed options and has committed itself to treating each customer as a family member or even himself / herself.


We do not wish to be aggregators of doctors and clinics, but on the contrary, to give you access to performance in the field even if this involves 5, 3 or even 1 doctor recommended for each medical field. Why? Because we have the guarantee of a proper diagnosis and medical services at a professional level. Besides, we have created International Clinics and Hospitals that offer solutions for diseases that cannot be solved in Romania in an integrated system.

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Besmax Medical Concierge

The most intelligent way to solve a medical problem

The services provided by Besmax Concierge Medical have nationwide coverage. With medical management professionals located all over the country, we are accessible in every corner of Romania.


In addition, the PERSONAL NAVIGATOR – Besmax Medical Concierge can accompany you at the hotel, at home, at the hospital or in any other location, in order to facilitate access to the desired medical services. We can communicate with you, your health insurer and your family, by telephone or by other means of communication.


In fact, our team consists of foreign language speakers, which will significantly simplify communication between the patient and healthcare professionals.

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