
Motivate your employees! By preventing serious illnesses, they will be healthy and in their best shape, and you will be an involved employer having lower costs compared to the loss of an essential member of the team.

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Why Prevention and Innovative Medicine Subscriptions?


  • It is easier to prevent than to heal!
  • You are aware of the affection before it occurs!
  • It’s easy and it doesn’t cost much!
  • You significantly enhance your life quality!
  • You have access to top physicians!
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Prevention: The best medicine!


  • 1.000.000 Romanians suffer/suffered from cancer (5.2% of the population)
  • 80.000 new cases detected every year
  • 30.000 deaths recorded annually
  • 220.000 newborns annually
  • 50.000 l of plasma is discarded annually
  • 1.000.000 Romanians suffer from depression
  • 2.000.000 Romanians have been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases
  • 25% of children are obese
  • 500.000 Romanians are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease
  • 1.500.000 Romanians have diabetes
  • 58% of Romanians don’t go to routine annual health check-ups

Early Prevention and Innovative Medicine (EPIM) Programme

Medical Concierge


The effective medical system is now accessible thanks to this service that identifies the best solutions for each individual customer. It provides access at any time to Customized Innovate Medicine, personal case manager, priority access to the best Besmax physicians, second opinion, and reference hospitals and early diagnostic centres.

Genetic testing


Detecting genetic defects such as cancer predisposition, weakening of the immune system, risk of heart attack, allergies or excessive weight gain. By performing genetic tests for each gene, mutation or predisposition can be identified and disease can be prevented.


Storing stem cells in Europe’s largest stem cell bank


Life Solutions, part of Besmax Group, is the exclusive partner of Vita 34 in Romania. Thanks to the extensive involvement in research and clinical trials, Vita 34 is the most experienced private stem cell bank in Europe. In addition, it is the only private bank that also has a public bank.




Besmax Abonament deductibil - Companies
100% deductible subscription

Besmax Servicii Complementare - Companies
Complementary services

Besmax Beneficii unice - Companies
Unique market benefits

Besmax Creste retentia - Companies
Staff retention increases

Besmax Fidelizare - Companies
Employee loyalty

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