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Your medical experience reinvented!

Clients are becoming more and more demanding, and when they go to a foreign country, dangers lurk everywhere. A minor injury to a tourist is an extra effort for the Agency. Of course, there is medical travel insurance, but we all know that its coverage is too limited, and the tourist is lost in a complicated and non-communicative medical system like the Romanian one.


Moreover, it is a competitive market and you must always come up with something new, different for your customers, so you can stay in the top.

Why do you absolutely need Medical Concierge for your clients?


You have a special strength against the competition!

The care for the health of the client is essential. An additional assistance service in crisis situations can be an essential asset in the decision to purchase a travel package, especially when the country of destination is Romania.

You make your customer loyal!

After having a positive experience with the Romanian medical system, a foreigner will definitely return to Romania. Thus, the Medical Concierge Service will be a defining element in customer loyalty.

You spare your own staff of the trouble of managing the tourists' medical emergencies!

Assigning a person for a medical emergency is costly, since they give up other tasks to solve a problem. With Besmax case navigators, these tasks are taken over.

Medical services at international standards

The customer will receive medical services at international standards, without feeling the problems of a poor and bureaucratic medical system like the Romanian one. Depending on the situation, they can be accompanied even in Besmax private partner clinics, where they will benefit from significant discounts.

You know where your customers are

In a foreign country, it is easy to lose yourself. Sometimes, the language barrier does not help and you, as a company, are responsible for the safety of your customers. Well, with the GPS Monitoring Service , you reduce the risk to 0. How? With the help of a premium watch given as a bonus to your customers, you will have the opportunity to see its location, at any time given, on the mobile app. In fact, it can alert a pre-set number in the event of danger, only by pressing a button.

DO YOU WANT A 60% DISCOUNT for the Medical Concierge service??

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